Surrealist Manifestos by Women

In the aftermath of the brutally misogynistic and transphobic 2024 election, Eberhardt Press is pleased to announce our latest collaboration with Black Swan Press, “Surrealist Manifestos by Women,” edited by Penelope Rosemont.
As Egyptian surrealist Ghadagh Kamal Ahme wrote in book’s the opening piece, “We are the harbingers of dreams that refuse to bow.” Ahme continues, “The spirit of rebellion courses through our veins like wildfire. We will paint our defiance across the cracked walls of patriarchal decree. Our dreams, once caged, will become Molotov dreams shattering the temples of oppression.”
In “As Long As Tourists Replace Seers,” Silvia Grenier asks, “How can we not see we too are burning?” as she invokes the wild nature within us, our ability to love, to dream, and to disobey.
Debra Taub’s piece, “Why Say No?”, is a potent antidote to the puritanical farce of right-wing populism, calling for sexual freedom and the expansion of wilderness everywhere.
Also in “Surrealist Manifestos by Women” is Ody Saban’s “Equality and Solidarity with our Sisters,” on key points and questions about the relationship between surrealism and feminism.
The book includes a list of surrealist women around the world and an entertaining section of quotes by dada women, such as Roberta Lowell, who wrote “Dada is a magical orange grove in a nightmare.”
“Surrealist Manifestos by Women” is replete with artwork by Ody Saban, and concludes with a section of recommended books by surrealist women.
5"x8" paperback | 40 pages