Printing Services
Eberhardt Press prints for clients throughout the country but primarily serves the Portland community. We started running print jobs 2006, and since then, we've been helping artists, musicians, activists, non-profit groups, independent publishers, and all sorts of people to get their work in print.Eberhardt Press specializes in 1- and 2-color short-run publication work (250-1,000 copies usually). We print a lot of other stuff too though, from business cards to lyric sheets. We can also help with design and layout (see our Instagram feed or our online store for some examples).
Eberhardt Press approaches printing as a traditional craft, applying the old ways along with the new. We hope the projects we print will be used for decades to come.
Get in touch for a quote on your project, or if you just have some questions about the printing process. You can also download our rate card for various types of print work.
Offset Printing: Our most competitive pricing is for 250-1,000 copies with one or two colors. However, we do print CMYK book covers as needed for clients' projects. We print on an AB Dick 9995, a capable small-format offset press.
Letterpress: Eberhardt Press has a Chandler & Price 10x15 platen press to supplement our offset work. We can do basic letterpress, diecutting, and embossing, but we don't specialize in elaborate letterpress work.
We do not do digital printing at Eberhardt Press. However, if digital is the most effective way to print your project, we can refer you to another shop. Digital printing is particularly cost effective for full color print runs of 1-250 copies.
Bookletmaking: We can staple, fold and face-trim booklets from 8 to 64 pages, up to 11"x17".
Wire Binding: We use sturdy twin-loop wire to make notepads, calendars, and lay-flat books.
Eberhardt Press doesn't do hardback binding, but there are a few people we can refer you to.
Tech Specs
Preferred File formats:
- PDF (no compression on text or graphics, with all fonts embedded).
- Packaged InDesign files.
- Paper originals (scanning fees apply).
- If your layout does not have bleeds, it should have at least 5/16" open margins.
- If your layout does have bleeds, they should be set to at least 1/8" beyond the trim line, preferably 3/16", and ideally 1/4".
- If you have any questions about file formats, technical specifications, or anything else, please email [email protected].
Contact Us
General Info [email protected]
Printing Questions [email protected]
Orders [email protected]
Eberhardt Press
3505 NE Broadway Street
Portland, Oregon 97232