Don't Talk to Cops Cards

The year 2025 looks quite foreboding. We will certainly see a dramatic expansion of State surveillance, escalated repression of political movements, and fascist violence against those who resist the brutal, heartless, dangerous, and cruel agenda of the far right.
People need tools to empower them when they are harassed by the police. These "Know Your Rights" cards, drawn by ONeRadLatina, are available in five languages: Spanish, English, Arabic, Chinese, and Kreyol. On the back is a list of things to do if the cops come knocking. It's a handy thing to tape next to the front door so you don't get flustered.
We're distributing them at cost in sets of 5 cards for $1.50, or a box of 100 cards for $10. You can also download a free PDF to print your own. The document is set up with each language version 4-up on a letter size page.
Be safe, be smart, fight the good fight.